How the 2024 season has taken off for Bladefence

Here we are in July(!) and the blade repair season is in full swing. We saw a hectic start to the season filled with customer meetings, project preparations, hiring, trade exhibitions, and a million other things. A lot has happened at Bladefence, and we're delighted to say that the 2024 season is turning out to be the busiest in Bladefence history.

Here we are in July(!) and the blade repair season is in full swing. We saw a hectic start to the season filled with customer meetings, project preparations, hiring, trade exhibitions, and a million other things. A lot has happened at Bladefence, and we’re delighted to say that the 2024 season is turning out to be the busiest in Bladefence history.

This year one thing is particularly evident: wind energy is here to stay and will eventually replace other forms of energy in the world’s energy balance, as seen in WindEurope’s Facts and Figures Booklet. We are delighted to have seen so much demand from our clients since the season start and we’d like to express our gratitude to our clients for putting their faith in us for that. We have worked and will continue to work tirelessly to meet and exceed your expectations.

This year Team Bladefence is the strongest it’s ever been, we have incredibly experienced people in our team who have been with us for the past 10+ years as well as a diverse selection of skilled and knowledgeable workers who have joined us this season, both on and off site –  We’d like to express our enthusiasm towards all of our team including the new members that joined Bladefence this spring. You are all very welcome, and we sincerely hope you have found a second family in Bladefence.

We were all celebrating in May as we saw it become our busiest month to date… and then we went ahead and beat that record in June! That said, we’re never too busy to provide incredible customer service, so if you need any blade repairs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our European sales office.

Long may the season continue!

Jo Spencer, Project Manager at Bladefence Europe

Jo Valvona

Project Manager
July 10, 2024