FAQ: What are the most common maintenance issues with Wind Turbine Blades?

You asked, so we answer! Read about common blade issues, their causes, impacts and our solutions to the problem.


Because wind turbine blades are constantly exposed to a variety of environmental conditions and mechanical stresses, they can experience a wide range of maintenance concerns over their lifetime.

Here we’ll delve into the details of five common blade issues:

1. Surface Erosion

  • Cause 
    This can be caused due to exposure to rain, hail, sand and other airborne particles abrading the blade surface over time.
  • Impact 
    In some cases, erosion can reduce the blade’s efficiency and performance.
  • Solution 
    Regular blade inspections and application of Leading Edge Protection (LEP) tapes or coating.

2. Cracks and Splits

  • Cause 
    Impacts from debris, lightning strikes or mechanical wear and tear can cause cracks and splits on the blade.
  • Impact 
    The structural integrity of the blade can be compromised by splits and cracks.
  • Solution 
    Rapid detection of cracks and splits through inspection techniques followed by repair of the damaged area.

3. Delamination

  • Cause 
    Delamination (separation of the layers in the composite material) can be due to manufacturing defects, moisture ingress or stress on the blade.
  • Impact 
    Weakening of the blade structure and propagation leading to further damage if not repaired.
  • Solution 
    Routine inspections followed by timely repair of the damaged area.

4. Lightning Damage

  • Cause 
    Lightning strike due to height and location.
  • Impact 
    Lightning strikes can cause internal damage, burns and holes in the blade.
  • Solution 
    Routine maintenance of the Lightning Protection System (LPS) and timely inspection and repair after a strike.

5. Ice Accumulation

  • Cause 
    Wind Turbines located in colder climates can accumulate ice on the blades, especially through the winter period with freezing rain and snow.
  • Impact 
    The build up of ice can reduce a blade’s efficiency significantly.
  • Solution 
    Installation and routine maintenance of Anti-Icing or De-Icing systems as well as regular monitoring of ice build up, especially over the winter period.

Preventative maintenance inspections and timely repair, as and when issues occur, are essential to ensure the longevity and optimal efficiency of wind turbine blades. If you would like to discuss any of your own blade issues or how Bladefence’s preventative maintenance programs could help you, please contact our sales team in Europe.

Jo Spencer, Project Manager at Bladefence Europe

Jo Valvona

Project Manager
July 31, 2024